Michelangelo- The Great One

This was a great glimpse at one of the truly great artists on Earth. One of my  personal favorites is Rodin, & Vincent Van Gogh, but that’s for another time. Oh, & Paul Gaugin & his glimpses into the exotic life of ” the South Seas ” as they were known. For another discussion / blog entry.

Michelangelo was dedicated, one can see the life that he infused his sculptures with.Genius, complete genius. & yet he was quoted as saying that the sculptures were within the stone, just waiting for him to knock away the unnecessary bits.


They say that art should move you. Make you feel something. Make you want something. Make you think. A good work of art, a piece worthy to be called a “masterpiece”, is much more than just the sum of its parts. Every artist has a favourite work. Yes, a lot of us will claim there […]

via Michelangelo’s Masterpieces — Seeker of Truth