9 Reasons My God’s Not Dead

Okay….. God’s not dead, BUT, He’s just tired of knee – jerk, behind – kissing followers who act like GROUPIES & don’t actually put the teachings of Jesus into practice  ( feeding the poor & homeless, teaching the illiterate, helping the sick, aiding the less fortunate, etc.), or Buddhists who just sit & chant, or Muslims who observe the Five Pillars of the Islamic faith.

I don’t really like the pat answers like ” you can see God in a sunrise “, & such. Generic, pious platitudes that seem deep for a few moments but aren’t very satisfying. Chocolate for the soul.

I, like the original Founding Fathers, consider myself a Deist. They believed in A god, just not necessarily ” Big G ” God. My belated disclaimer.

via 9 Reasons My God’s Not Dead.

Ideas on ” Would Mike Huckabee Lead Us Towards a Christian Government? “

Apparently Beliefnet doesn’t like the concept of ” Separation of Church & State “. Pity.

The Right – Wing extremists ( OK, a LOT of them, but not every single one. ) would like nothing better than a Christian theocracy. They don’t speak for everyone. & quite frankly reading their spiel about ” Getting God back into government ” is getting a mite tedious. And they’re predominantly Republican, so – ” NO Votes For You ! Come Back 4 Years ! ” ( Paraphrasing Seinfeld’s ” Soup Nazi ” character ).

via Would Mike Huckabee Lead Us Towards a Christian Government?.

$101 million Noah’s Ark rises in Kentucky — Jesus-riding dinosaurs and all

Now I don’t know if there was a literal ” Flood ” a few millennia ago. Most cultures have legends of ” FLOODS ” ( China, Egypt, Babylon / Mesopotamia, India, etc. ) but those cultures were located beside rivers, & if you have rivers, you’re going to have flooding. Inundations. Entire cities submerged under water, mud, muck, earth. The stuff of myth & legends. But Young Earth Creationists believe it as FACT, a global inundation. They also believe that Earth is only 6,000 years old & no MORE.

That would probably mean that the pyramid designed by the Egyptian Imhotep would’ve been hovering in space or that the 6,000 Young Earth school of Creationism is a WHOPPING big fallacy. Or perhaps Imhotep was a highly – intelligent Nile – dwelling crocodile ?

This entire Noah’s Ark thing is just designed to appeal to the people who already believe in the Flood account & the YEC school of thought. As long as they don’t go pushing their ” school of thought ” down my throat, live & let live…..osiris_amidst_the_poinsettas_photo_0479_by_theobsessivebrowser-d89xjsl

Source: $101 million Noah’s Ark rises in Kentucky — Jesus-riding dinosaurs and all

Fox panel freaks out after New York judge is sworn in on the Koran: ‘What does this mean?’

They’re Fox Faux News. They freak out over B.S. like this. It’s what they’re paid / Pavlovian – conditioned to do.

Does it make a tinker’s damn bit of difference if an official is sworn in on the Koran, Book of Mormon, Darwin’s ” Origin of Species “, one of the Harry Potter books, ” War & Peace ” or, angels & ministers of grace defend us ( & aid us ), a draft of the U.S. Constitution ?

Rupert Murdoch, you’re responsible for this congregation / asylum of Right Wing, nut – job whackaloons, religious right extremists, bigots, xenophobes, hate & fear – mongers. It’s on YOUR hands dripping from your fingertips, buddy. Do something to cleanse the grime & bad karma from your vermin – gnawed, ignorance – peddling soul.


Source: Fox panel freaks out after New York judge is sworn in on the Koran: ‘What does this mean?’

In The Battle For The Soul Of The Republican Party, Trump’s ‘White Nationalism’ Is Winning

And THIS is why the Republican Party is doomed. They either lost their collective soul or sold it.
And why we won’t have a Republican president unless this country Loses. Its. Mind. OR the GOP gets a massive overhaul & ” lifestyle – lift “.
Trump, who is running a blatantly racist and xenophobic campaign, holds a double digit lead in the GOP presidential race.

Source: In The Battle For The Soul Of The Republican Party, Trump’s ‘White Nationalism’ Is Winning